Message de Noël pour Monsieur A en France

A fellow tea student moved back to France not long ago.  He also played the game of go.  He is missed….

Monsieur A, comment ça va?  Continuez-vous votre pratique de la cérémonie du thé?  Si vous regardez ce blog, savez-vous que nous tous vous manquons….  Parce qu’ il vous fallait dire salutations en japonais dans la salon de thé, c’est notre tour de vous saluer en français.

Joyeux Noël!

San Francisco City Hall
L’Hôtel de Ville de San Francisco

2 responses to “Message de Noël pour Monsieur A en France”

  1. Thank you very much! I miss all of you a lot (and tea and okashi too^^).
    I’m pleased to see a salutation from you in french!
    I’m not close enouth to Paris right away to go to a tea ceremony club and I’m planning to go to Asia this year to volunteer (South-East Asia) and if maybe take the opportunity to go to Japan for a few weeks (if anyone have advices about it, I would gladly accept them).

    When I’ll have a more stable situation in France, I’ll try to find a good tea ceremony club there.

    I hope you all enjoyed your chrismas and are ready to enjoy new year’s eve!

    Alexandre Martin

  2. Vous toujours restez notre “membre honraire”. 🙂

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