高山右近・Ukon Takayama

マニラの右近; Ukon in Manila

高山右近(彦五郎) Ukon (Hikogoro’u) Takayama(1552?-1615)


He is one of Rikyu’s 7 primary disciples – or Rikyu Shichitetsu.


His father, Tomoetsu Takayama, was one of the first da’imyo’u to welcome the Jesuit mission into his domain.  Ukon was baptized Justo in 1564.


In 1578, he sided with Nobunaga whom he knew as a supporter of Christianity.  When Nobunaga was assassinated, he sided with Hideyoshi in the battle of Yamazaki.  In 1585, he received a domain of Akashi (part of present-day Hyogo Prefecture), but was dispossessed 2 years later as a result of Hideyoshi’s anti-Christian edict.  Hideyoshi allegedly sent Rikyu to try to have Ukon recant, but Rikyu was not successful.


Due to Ieyasu’s prohibition of Christianity, Ukon was banished from Japan in 1614.  He died in Manila on 5 February 1615.

[Source] Herbert Plutschow, “Rediscovering Rikyu – And The Beginnings of The Japanese Tea Ceremony” (Global Oriental, pub. 2003)
[参考] ヘルベルト・プルチョウ著「利休の再発見: そして日本における茶の湯の始まり」(Global Oriental, 2003年刷)


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